MORE GRANTS. LESS GRIND.Powered by thousands of successful proposals, Splendor's AI platform transforms institutional knowledge into winning grant narratives. Our proposals capture every funder priority and maximize success rates.
$21,000,000+secured by our writers for their clients
Shave hours off your proposal development time.Our team of grant writing experts uses sophisticated technology to make the grant writing process super smooth. The result? Better proposals at better rates, and more time for your team to focus on donor meetings, strategy, and storytelling.
MinervaCompiling statistics to cite
EdithMaking edits to narrative
GeoffreyRequesting feedback on budget
WIN MORE GRANTSOur platform leverages insights from thousands of funded proposals to improve your success rates. Our writers have deep experience and a strong track record, securing over $21 million for their clients.
SAVE TIMEOur team of funding experts uses AI to craft proposals, freeing up your grant writers and program staff to focus on project strategy, grant discovery, and funder outreach.
DOUBLE AND TRIPLE CHECKED Our system automatically flags missing requirements and validates that every submission meets the latest foundation guidelines, eliminating common rejection reasons.
TWICE AS AFFORDABLEScale your grant submissions without expanding your team or breaking the bank. Our proposals improve with each application and get cheaper as your grant writing volume grows.
Reach outhello@trysplendor.com
© Splendor 2024